Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Currently Loving

Random things I'm lovin lately!

1. This sporcle game where you have to list the states in order of how many letters are in the name. It took me so many tries because you only get 4 minutes! I started writing down abbreviations in order so I could get through more on each try.. It was tough but I really liked it!

2. Kanye & Jay-Z's album Watch the Throne

My favorite track is New Life. Matt first pointed it the lyrics to me and I really love them. 

Both speak about what they want for their children. Kanye shows his incredible insecurities that lead him to be the self-absorbed, arrogant, but highly talented artist he is. His main idea is that he wants his child to be liked. Jay-Z speaks of the hardships he knows he is bringing on his child, while committing himself as a parent no matter what, and telling his child to "give your word and keep it". Strong words, especially for J because he and Beyonce are having a child. Matt pointed out to me that this subject is very different than the usual hip hop & rap rhetoric. That it speaks of being a committed parent in a positive light is different than many other lyrics in this genre. I

I think this song also shows the large difference between Jay and Kanye. While both are outstanding rappers, Kanye is insecure, extreme, immature, and self-absorbed. Jay-Z is subtle, tenacious, and somehow feels tenured. 

3. Sweet Home Style
I'm not at all familiar with tumblr, but I know I love this site. People submit photos that mean something homey to them, and I love seeing the wide range from a tent to an opulent living room. It seems to have more passion behind it than other design websites, and I really enjoy it.

4. This post from the best food blog ever, Smitten Kitchen
Besides adoring her child and recipes, this lady is awesome. As a New Yorker, she gives her 9/11 memory like many, but hers is very different. It didn't affect her as much as many NYers until the 2nd anniversary, and that memory leads to other very happy things. Its a beautiful way of connecting this tragic event with hope and love, things that bring people together. 

What have you seen recently that made you happy?

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