Sunday, October 10, 2010

what being a vegetarian means to me

Since I started even considering not eating meat, all anyone has done is question it. Honestly. Meat lovers, meat haters, and vegetarians a like.  (There are some minor exceptions, most importantly-my mother and Matt. As it should be!)

Its one of those situations where people are like "what you're vegetarian?" and I say yea, I try to be. And then it pours.

"What because of the conditions that like, chickens are in or something?"
I explain that I'm not a moral vegetarian. Of course I do not agree with the way we treat food animals in our country, its not right and I wish it were changed. But I do not believe me not eating meat can fix that. Eating and supporting restaurants and businesses (like Chipotle) that are actually mindful of where their products come from does.
 I've lost about half the population now, because why wouldn't you eat meat if you weren't morally opposed to it? I explain to them that it is a dietary choice. 

"So you don't really like meat?" 
Oh no. Did you miss the word 'choice'? I love meat, pork in particular (insert immature snicker). Sausage, bacon, pork chops, love it. Then, because I just can't seem to keep myself from saying so I tell them that when I really want to, I eat meat. This usually blows another 25% of people's minds. Sometimes a girls got a wicked craving for a cheeseburger. Now this does not mean that I eat meat four times a week or something. I probably eat meat once every 3 or 4 weeks. 

I am a vegetarian, because (to steal some terms from the LGBTQ community) I identify as a vegetarian. I think to some people, being a vegetarian is about denying yourself meat. And I'm not about denying myself. Thats just not the purpose of my dietary choice. I've found that if I allow myself that turkey sandwich or god forbid, a chicken wing I've satisfied my meat craving for weeks and am then more committed to making good choices. I am more likely to stick with it.

Often times when with family I eat meat, since I don't want them to have to make another dish just for me or try and work around my dietary choice.So when thanksgiving gets here, I'm sure I'll eat some Turkey. Its really not that big of a deal for me, and I'm not going to make it such a big deal. For some people it is a big deal, and thats fine...for them. This is not to say that it isn't important to me. It (obviously) is. Just not in that way.

Its a dietary choice, meaning that I do it because I eat healthier when meat is on the back burner. I eat more vegetables, I eat at restaurants that are better for me, and I eat fewer calories.

"Well not all meat is bad for you you know"
 I'm aware, thanks. Eating meat is not always bad. Turkey, sushi, etc can be just fine, and believe me, I'm not gonna judge you for eating meat. Its not about you or your dietary practices. Its about mine.

"Well you probably don't get enough nutrients, you need protein you know"
I know. Did you know that many people eat too much protein? YOU DON'T NEED THAT MUCH!! Eggs are my best friend, oh and beans? Full of good ole protein. Hummus, cheese, every bean ever, eggs, tofu (which when prepared properly is soooo tasty!) are all more than adequate! I eat so many more veggies than before that I'm positive I'm getting a better variety and a higher intake of all the vitamins and minerals I need than when I ate meat. And you know what, veggies have a little protein too! 

In the words of Immortal Technique:
i've seen some of you herbivores;
and if you want to argue health,
y'all need to eat some kind of supplement
because some of y'all are so skinny
that it's disgusting; looking like the
only hip-hop motherfuckers on schindler's list.
being a malnutrition-ass got nothing to do

So I am a vegetarian because I want to make healthier choices, not take the choice out of it.
I am a vegetarian because my goal is to be healthier, not to lose weight.
I am a vegetarian because I don't want to deny myself, but love myself for what I am.
I am a vegetarian because I consider myself that. and I don't care how you classify me.

You don't change who I am. I do.


  1. Well said. I sincerely apologize if I have ever put you in a position where you felt like you had to explain yourself... I know that I hate it when people do that to me. :)

  2. love it ellen. I agree! thanks for throwing some Sociology terms in there. Brekhus would be proud. :)
