Friday, November 12, 2010

I have ESP

First of all-Go Ask Alice is the coolest website ever. In terms of education and Q&A they are amazing at providing open, respectful understanding for people's questions. They recognize personal choice, so when you ask how to take  caution when taking club drugs, they give you the facts without telling you that you shouldn't be taking them.

If you have questions about sex, drugs, alcohol, LGBTQA issues or anything, go there.

Anyway, I'm on their list serv which means I get weekly email about the questions and answers they have posted. This one caught my eye, actually it made me laugh. "I think I have ESP" is a hilarious statement to me.!+In+Your+Box&utm_campaign=03366fdaac-111210_Non_CU&utm_medium=email

But I clicked on it thinking, well you know sometimes I think I have ESP or something like it.

Hold up. I just told all you people that.

Some of you know that sometimes I get deja vu in a situation fully knowing I've never been in the situation. There are a couple clear examples. The first one I remember was like this article, first experienced in a dream. 
The event was being at a friends house with a group of people I hadn't met before. We were in a circle and I was on a specific sofa at my friends house, on the right end. Well cut to me in this situation (months later I believe) Having deja vu around people I had never ever met before. So clearly, I'd never been in this situation before. Well we were playing Cranium, hence the circle. 

Now more recently, it has not been dream to real life connections. Instead something will be actually occurring, and I get the feeling of deja vu. I often tell the people, and I tell them because I don't know why I'm having it. Then at some point down the road, the same situation happens to me again. And I have deja vu, again. So I find it odd that the first time it happens to me, I feel deja vu. Logically I am only supposed to feel it the second time. 

When I was younger, while watching the Olympics, in particular figure skating, I would predict in my head as the skater was going up for a jump whether they would land or fall. I was right, a lot of the time. Not always, but a lot.

So I'm just saying, things like this happen to people. And I'm not crazy.

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