Saturday, December 5, 2009

my nerdy love for biological anthropology

So I haven't been able to post much this semester. Shocking, I'm sure. You all know my life is busy, so I'm sure it comes with no surprise. Well...even though I have much to do, I did want to write something, anything to whet your palate for Ellen time =) So I will be telling you how amazing Biological Anthropology is.

I wasn't exactly looking forward to this class because its some serious science. Its hard, plus there was a lab, and labs always seemed awkward to me. However, I feel like I have learned SOOOO MUCH this semester and I have grown to love lab.

My lab group ended up being pretty awesome, and the lab TA amazing. I can now look at a skull and tell you if its a primate, I can tell you if its a hominin, and I can tell you where it falls during evolutionary time, as in how closely its related to anatomically modern humans. I can also tell you why spell check is telling me "homonin" should be "hominid" and why its wrong. I feel pretty special, because I think that is pretty impressive. Lab has been fantastic because in lecture we discuss what makes these groups distinct, but it lab I'm holding the bones (or casts of bones) of these things and I have to not only know what makes them distinct, but be able to distinguish them. Lab reinforces what we discuss in lecture and makes it even more exciting. (GOD I'm a nerd)

Now, even though lecture is at 9 in the morning, and the subject matter could be terribly drowsy (there are a huge number of people who do not attend class, and a smaller number of people who do attend but sleep through the whole thing-I think they are missing out) it is soo fascinating to me. I feel like if someone asked me about race, I could fully explain how and why it does not exist, if someone asked me about how humans got to a global reach, I could fully explain it. Now you may be saying to yourself Who the hell is asking her these questions? Well...lots of people do actually because when I tell people that Anthropology is my major, they usually have no idea what that means. I also greatly enjoy discussing evolution because of its philosophical and religious links. Not to mention that Matt likes it when I nerd out and tell him wonderful things I've learned.

What is most impressive about lecture is Dr. Blomquist's insane ability to explain incredibly complex timelines or ideas in a way that is crystal clear. I think he confused me twice the entire semester, but continued talking both times and resolved my confusion. That seems astonishing because now that I look back on the things we've talked about sometimes its a wonder I understand it. Hominin evolution for example is confusing, especially when anthropologists use two different ways of categorizing species. There are homos and neandertals and a multitude of confusing shit. But if you wanted me to, I could explain it all, in either categorization. There is a method to the madness.

Overall this class has been rewarding because I've had so many question in my head, in wonderment really of how the hell we can live on Earth in the way we do. We came from the same place as other mammals, yet a polar bear doesn't have the same kind of communication we do, it doesn't have culture, and it certainly can't use the lap top I'm using. So what makes us so different? What makes us so special? Well I now know. I have loved loved loved this class because I am genuinely interested in all of these things. I find it hugely rewarding to have these questions answered. And while I thought the answers would end my wonderment, they haven't, they have only expanded it. They have also in no way, shape, or form gone against my religious beliefs, or most people's in general. Anthropology is simply wonderful in discussing what can be intensely hard issues to cross cultures and religions with.

So, I'll admit it, I'm a big anthropology nerd. But it makes me feel good. People always tell you to study what you love and work in a job that you love because it is so much more rewarding than working a job that makes you money without any personal reward. I think they are right because anthropology truly energizes me.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Be You(tiful)

So tomorrow is the 2009 Love Your Body Day. This day is celebrated to help promote healthy images of women in the media. It is celebrated to recognize that women we see in the media are often unrealistic. It is celebrated to increase love for our selves, our own bodies.

Because we are all different and that is okay.

These two posters are from last year, but I still love them... a lot.

The message that this one gives is particularly strong, and its my favorite.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

you can't bring the future back

I feel bad because I don't have the energy to write a real post. One where I can actually discuss something I've been thinking about or wanting to share. I would really like to do one on evolution. I want to explain it to people so they understand that it doesn't exclude religion. Sadly I only posses the desire, not the energy or time to do it. So instead I will be updating you.

This week was a very very rough week. I had too much on my plate, as I often do. I made it through alright, but it was hard. It was immensely more frustrating than I thought it would be.

I had a great shape presentation on Monday that reminded me why I give so much time and effort to the organization. Its always great to have one of those because it refreshes you, its like the health educator equivalent of sleeping in.
But then on Tuesday night I was reminded why 18 year old college freshman are douche bags. (Thanks Hatch) That presentation was disappointing to say the least.
The one we had right after it was redeeming though. We had a small group of girls and once they started opening up and asking questions, it just didn't stop. I kind of felt like Emily and I had done our part in education by encouraging a girl to masturbate. It was a very big deal, and when the presentation was over, she was excited for those free packs of lube. They were a very receiving, open minded group of girls who had just never talked about sex in the way that we do. It again reminded me of why I do this.

While the presentation were okay overall, school was completely demoralizing. There were a variety of emotions this week. Most of all I miss my friends. Not only do I miss the people here in Columbia, but I miss others even more. I miss having one of those deep conversation based friendships. Through out the past years I've had someone in that role in my life. I miss it so much now that I don't have it. I need to talk stuff through with someone, I don't necessarily have to talk out problems with them, I just need to talk to them about deeper issues. Different people have done that for me during periods of my life, and lately I've found myself missing every single one of them more than other long distance friends. Its like my soul is just longing for a conversation with them. Its hard because I feel like the weaker one for that. It doesn't help the stress.

I think one thing that may help in the near future is the newly formed Unitarian Universalist group at Mizzou. I've always heard previously unhappy religious people speak of one church or group of people by saying "it was like they felt exactly what I felt" It could not be more true. I feel like there is this collective experience that we've had with religion. I immediately feel at home with these people. It brings back the happy feelings I had at Jacob's Well and even at Blue Ridge. To have that sense of spiritual community is unlike any other feeling, and its something I greatly value. At the same time, its fairly overwhelming. That is a strong feeling in my heart and its not easily dealt with. I frequently cried at Jacob's Well because that feeling was so overwhelming. To have that back will be a spiritual challenge to really deal with my faith in a way that I haven't done.

Now, back to the lighter issues. I'm glad to say that at the end of the month I will be going to the Healthy Teen Network Conference in Tampa Florida. Shape is sending a few people because "youth" really just means young people in health educator language. It seriously ranges up to 24 years old. So there will be professionals in the field I want to go into at this conference. It shouldn't be as ridiculously disappointing as BACCHUS was last year. That was a student group conference, where this one is a professional conference. I think I will learn much more. I'm also pretty excited to go to Florida while its getting cold and to spend more time with both Jessicas. However, I am not excited about flying. Its always a toss up for me. Sometimes I'm fine, sometimes I'm sick. Its just all over the place. Its something I would like to be able to do easily, but its just not.

So that is the update on my life. Please keep my family in your prayers as we continue to spend time with my grandfather. Please pray for my sister who is moving back to KC and looking for a job. And please pray for those at Rock Bridge who lost a friend to suicide this weekend.

I leave you with a semi-quote about the idea of race.
"If we teach out kids that we are all the same, they will innately look for our differences. But if we teach our children that we are all different, they will look for the threads that bind us together"

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Dreams of Old

I had this dream more than two and half years ago. I had written it down after waking up and I just reread the description of it. Its still quite vivid in my memory. Its really strange and I feel like it has so much meaning for life, I just don't know what it means exactly.

I'm in a group of people who were all close to me. We all know that we are supposed to die. I had some idea that God was asking us to do this for a purpose, and there was probably reincarnation involved. It was absolutely clear that it was for the greater good.

One by one people start dying but not in regular ways. As more people died, I noticed that shortly before their death, we could see how they were going to die. There was one instance where I needed to drive Carl Carney's truck. But the seats and steering wheel were in the bed of the truck. A tiger came leaping over the front towards us and I stretched out my arm and punched it square in the forehead. It fell back.

Carl, who was in the backseat explained that the other person in the back seat (whoever it was)had to face the tiger, it was how they were supposed to die.I understood, because I thought they were supposed to face a white siberian tiger
As we drive on, a white siberian tiger jumps up and I have a hard time letting it go by me to kill the person in the backseat.

Then I go somewhere to see Rachel DeMoss (like an eight year old version of her) I cared very much about her and it was very sobering to see her for the last time. I was trying to figure out how I was going to die. I saw that I had to go down a slide, but I didn't understand.

I turned to someone, possibly a woman, and she said I had to go down the slide through the barrier and there would be railroad tracks on the other side. Once I understood what I was supposed to do, I prepared myself to die.

I started down the slide, but I don't remember going through any barrier or seeing any railroad tracks. Next thing I know, I am sitting at a high top table with my father and brother (?) and God. We were just casually talking. I was very at peace while talking to God.


I can place some things, but in a meaningless way. Like when I was at the hightop tables, it looked like I was in an applebees. And going down the slide with railroad tracks reminds me of Fire in the Hole, some amusement ride at Silver Dollar City that I was scared of as a kid. You literally go down a track into a pit. But the tiger? The woman? A brother? God?

Sunday, September 13, 2009


Yesterday at work was craaazy. It was the first MU home game, so of course everyone has to get their bagel on. Well I came home and did some homework (and pre-gaming) and I realized I really want to watch the game somewhere.
Wait...what? I want to watch football?? huh? Not only did I watch the entire game, but I was at a SPORTS bar (did you know people cheer there?) it was really fun actually. I also kind of tail gated before the game! What the heck? Since when did I care about football?
Well, since I turned 21 probably.

But then today I have been doing homework and I turned on the tv, and was kind of disappointed because there was an NFL game about to come on (not the summer series Merlin that has been on. yes:nerd) Then I ended up watching the entire thing. I'm sad the Bears didn't pull through, but it was an interesting game to watch while doing homework.

TWO football games in ONE weekend? I also said I actually want to GO to a game. There is seriously something wrong with me, do I have swine flu?

In other news, Kanye West is an ass hole. Taylor Swift was broken after that, and its so sad. I hope she dismisses his opinion because he is just a jerk. Beyonce did the right thing, and she is obviously much more classy than Kanye. Douche.
If you don't know what happened, watch the video

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Hockey, Success, and the CDC

I had my first sociology class today. I think this class will be great because its not just a survey course. Its a 1000 level, but it has a focus on media, culture, and identity. Which means a couple things; no boring text book that costs way too much, instead there are five much smaller but more interesting books. These books are pretty awesome ranging from gay suburbanites to America's culture of fear.

One thing he discussed today that I thought was interesting was talking about success. One of the books talks about the idea of success. We all think that successful people work hard for everything they get and they are smart about what they do. We think unsuccessful people could have done more, could have tried harder or longer. Well, thats really not all that goes into it. His example from the book is that among the most successful hockey players, a large portion of them were born in January, February, or March. Why?

Well in Canada, kids hockey leagues age cut offs are January 1st. So the kids born in January of one year are bigger, stronger, and more developed then kids in their league who were born in say October or November. This is especially true because they start hockey leagues in Canada at what, four or five? Thats a huge difference in development at that age. So these kids are better when they are five years old, so what? Well since they are better are knocking kids around, more people notice. As a result, they get more praise, more encouragement, and more attention over time. Their parents or coaches try to ensure they are given good opportunities specifically because they show strength. Yes someone's hockey talent has a great deal to do with their abilities, and I'm not saying its a bad thing to encourage those kids. I'm just saying, its not all about how hard that one person works or how talented they are naturally. Take into consideration how likely someone from the Southwestern US is to be as good as that guy from Canada. A lot of success has to do with surrounding, being in the right place at the right time, doing the right networking, and some things even come down to luck.

I think that is pretty damn interesting. I think its partially interesting to me because it reassures me that maybe its not my fault. I always feel like I'm not doing enough or working hard enough to be great. I think its something that happens to smart kids. People praise you and expect you to do great things. And I want to do great things, I aim highly. But can I get there? I will always doubt myself, but I don't want to get my hopes up when it comes to my career.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Bare Necessities

If you could only own 7 things, what would they be?

Nick and I drunkly discussed this last night and I think thats a rather tough question. Matt likes the minimalist ideas quite a bit. Dare I say I think it may be rubbing off on me. Here are my 7.

1. The Bible
The reasoning here is that I like reading, I like books. Well the Bible is a pretty versatile one with lots of stories and various things to analyze and place meaning to. Its a great book. Also, I figure at some point in my life I will be more serious about religion and I think it will be a good resource.

2. A lap top
To communicate, research, google where to eat, etc. I would be okay having to go to a coffee shop or something to use their internet, but I think a computer is the biggest tool I can have in todays society.

3. A cell phone
Part of the reason I would want to own few things was to increase mobility. To be able to pack up my back pack and move on. This means moving around a lot. I think a cell phone would be the number two most important item to have in todays society. Its a tool obviously to communicate but also to gather information. Also for personal safety, to be able to call and check in with family and contact resources if I needed help.

4. A cup
For numerous purposes. To drink, hold things, etc. I think it can take the place of many other items.

5. A fork
Because plastic dinnerware just won't do.

6. A spoon
And not all foods can effectively be eaten with a fork

7. A hairbrush
Because my hair is thick and I don't want to have gross hair just because of a minimalist philosophy.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Feliz Cumpleanos a Mi

My 21st birthday was this weekend. It was a lot of fun. I went out and drank but didn't get stupid drunk. Thanks to everyone who came, I really had a good time! I don't think it could have gone better.

For my birthday Liz got me a gift certificate to Dollar Tree. Dollar stores in general (except Dollar General...ironic) are awesome! We love that place. I think the best gifts are things people want but won't buy for themselves. Liz made a rule that I had to spend it on frivolous things, not necessities. So I had way too much fun buying random stuff. And to show her that I followed the rule, I took a picture of it all.

Here is the run down, going counter clockwise starting with the flowers.

So my favorite purchase was the flowers. It did take me for-freaking-ever to arrange them just how I wanted, then stabilizing it (with pennies) and what not in the pot. It was really really frustrating. But the end result is satisfactory.
You can't quite tell what it is, but that purple box next to it is a Snuggle air freshner. All I look for in air fresheners is something that sells like laundry. I LOVE the smell of dryer sheets, so this really is my ideal air freshener.
Next up is some oregano and parsley. I would just buy myself italian seasoning instead of these two because I'd only have to buy one and its cheaper, but having these two is a good addition to my spices. I think I use spices a lot more than most people, but I think they make a big difference in dishes.
Next on the list is a book about the planets. Random, but I'm pretty excited to read it.
Eye shadow...for fun.
Then that orange packet actually has a key chain with beads. Its feminine and I like it.
This one might just be my favorite-DR. PEPPER FREEZER POPS!!! o.m.g. srsly? they make these!!!! I'm eating one now and its pretty darn good.
Then a water bottle, because school is coming up and I may need one, also its smaller than the ones they have at wal mart and stuff which is good because I never drink that much and I end up throwing out the water anyway.
Next up it some sweet pea bubble bath for...well for bubble baths.
Then a bath pillow, since I've only recently discovered the joyous nature of baths and think this may enhance it.

So maybe I'd buy the Dr. Pepper freezer pops for myself, but I think everything else qualifies as frivolous right??

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Growth through hardships

In the past week I've realized a thing or two.

What people tell you is good isn't necessarily good. I've found that I truly have to see and decide for myself what is 'healthy' what is 'best'. Every situation and every person is different, so how can we say 'oh, things will go this way. you know they will'. No, no they won't. We can never ever know what awaits us. It is the single greatest blessing and yet the biggest imaginable burden to carry. I don't know what will happen years from now. That feeling of freedom can't be matched, and yet that feeling of angst is unbearable.

For some things I have a large amount of say in what will happen, in others I will have no choice. Its hard to keep the lack of freedom from dominating my thoughts. Its hard to remember that indeed I have a large amount of control, that if I want something to work, I just have to try. Its far too easy to let the looming future scare the shit out of you. To control you, letting it paralyze you with worry and fear and unwarranted disappointment. Its far too easy to give up and give in. This idea is the basis for numerous books, movies, etc. because its this universal problem. We all let what we can't control inflate into this facade that is dark and scary. What I should really be doing is working on those things that I can influence, and working hard to make my mark using them. Letting go of the obsession over something I simply cannot change.

The biggest scariest thing out there that can dominate my thoughts is death. Even previous to my grandfather's situation, death has been something I genuinely feared. I think, therefore I am. The fact that my mind is active is all I have that shows me I exist, my consciousness entraps everything there is about me. So when our physical bodies die, when those nerves stop firing..when my brain stops thinking. What then? I will no longer think, and there for I will no longer be. But how CAN that be? All I have in this world is my consciousness, I know nothing else for certain. So I fear that this one thing will be stripped away from me because my brain can not fathom the idea of eternity, whether with 'God' or in time and space. Something must happen after death right? But what? When does life end? When will our world end? How did our world begin? Doesn't the universe have to end somewhere? And what's after that? Something else has to exist after that, it cannot merely stop, right?

So it all snowballs into the most terrifying idea-that the things that happen here in my daily life don't make a lick of difference. That there is so so much more in the world, in this universe, than what I can possibly comprehend. So my mind implodes. It becomes overloaded and shuts down. I have no way of processing the grief of losing my person, my consciousness, the one thing I own. Because at any point, at this very second even, that freedom could be taken away.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Problems of the Heart

My Grandfather is most likely dying from lung cancer. Our family found out Thursday, we were all gathering for one of the most important holidays in our family, the fourth of july. Dying might be a strong word, I don't think that is determined yet. He is doing three weeks of radiation in Texas and then they are coming back to Pittsburg so that the family can help out.

I left Pittsburg friday and since then I have (in so many words) forgotten that he is dying. I feel guilty. Since I left, I haven't thought about it. I feel like it should be more present in my mind, like my spirit should change and I should be saddened.

So I ask myself why am I not saddened by this? Well...I am. I'm sad that I have to see my mom, aunt, and uncle so upset and so worried. I hate hearing the tone in my mom's voice when she talks to my Dad's mom. My other grandfather died from lung cancer that spread to his brain ten years ago. She said lung cancer almost always leads to brain cancer. It has already spread to his spine, thats how they found it. It saddens me because I care about these people.

So I ask myself, why does it seem like I don't care about him? My grandparents moved to southern Texas when I was 12 years old. In the beginning they stayed down there for most of the year, returning for summers and family holidays. That lasted a few years and after that they stayed South year round. They'd made friends, and it was a long drive back for an older couple. They call on Christmas and talk to my mom on the phone once in a while. I honestly can't remember the last time I saw them. It may have been Kelly's high school graduation... four years ago. For the most part they've been absent in the portion of my life where I've become who I am. So I don't have an attachment to them, they don't know me and I don't know them.

I'm not trying to blame them for not being around. I just wish I didn't feel guilty. I wish I cared more. In trying to deal with this and many other things, I use reason. I've figured out the pattern, why I feel the way I feel. How my childhood and aging since has placed me where I am today. Causes and effects. This doesn't make me feel more strongly, it doesn't stop anything. It just makes me newly aware that I'm not close to my grandfather, and that saddens me.

The downfall in my coping is that you can't use logic for problems of the heart.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

light, color, saturation, shading

If you ask me about gmail, I will tell you the wonderful amazement that is google. Gmail comes with a web album and a picture program you can download. I've just recently realized that you can edit photos on the Picasa program from google. I wanted to do some editing on photos I've take recently so I went looking for some effects and what not. Since I found the edit function on Picasa, I've been going through some pictures of mine that I liked to see if I could make any improvements. 
I also wanted to edit some photos me and the ladies took for my Mom's 50th birthday. When I went to Oklahoma for Kelly's graduation the sisters decided we needed to take some pictures together. One of Kelly's friends was nice enough to take some pictures with us (with her nice expensive camera). We had a lot of fun doing it. Here are some I edited (except the first one is all her)

This one actually took a bit of climbing

I love this one because it shows off the gorgeous natural colors in Oklahoma. 

This one is from the river valley out by Cooper's Landing (not Oklahoma). It was taken some time ago. 

One thing that catches me eye in some photos is the saturation of color, like in this one. The one above too.

This is the barn we took pictures around. Nobody seemed to mind, the gate was open.

The windmills in Oklahoma are so fascinating. They are massive and eerily quiet when you get close to them. They are also sooo much bigger than they look like in these pictures. If someone were standing at the base of the windmill in the foreground, I doubt you could make anything out besides a small blob.

I like the way this one is framed, the curve of the gravel and the blades specifically.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

First Aid

So this seems kind of a silly thing to blog about, but there are reasons for telling you about the first aid kit I put together today! I was going to just buy a first aid kit. They have a wide variety of things I wouldn't otherwise think to have or know where to get. Like a glow stick, a pair of gloves, a cold pack, tweezers, first aid tape, a finger splint, or a "survival wrap". The survival wrap looks like a piece of aluminum foil. Its label said it can hold in heat, block out sunlight, or reflect light to catch the attention of passersby, particularly cars. Useful I suppose, but a little strange. But I'm making mine for my new apartment so its kind of like my medicine cabinet. Its not strictly for emergencies like many are. Its my go to kit for anything medical. So I got a few extras.

Here is my recipe for a first aid kit:

1. Johnson and Johnson Red Cross first aid kit. They are like 8 bucks at Wal Mart and a steal just for the band-aids! Its got regular and finger band-aids (great for me because I often miss bagels and slice the tips of my fingers instead) small band-aids, gauze, a guide for what to do in various situations, individual packs of Advil and Tylenol, Imodium AD, and Neosporin. 
(plus lots more!)

2. Mucinex. Not cough suppressant, not decongestant, but expectorant. I am not a fan of the others because they work against the natural immune system functions in the throat. There is a very specific purpose for mucous-its a good thing! There is a purpose for coughing as well, so suppressing coughing or mucous itself is slashing the tires of the immune system. Mucous is naturally trying to get out of your body,thats what it does: blob itself all over the pathogen and ooze it outside the body. The expectorant helps it get out easier. Mucinex is awesome and works fast. Totally worth it.

3. Acid Controller. Like Pepcid AC or Zantac or whatever.  I just buy the Wal Mart brand. Yes this is good for heartburn, but its also good for an upset stomach. My prescriptions leave my stomach  sour often times, and the acid controller can help a lot. I think a good replacement or addition to this is Pepto. You never know when a hang over is going to reach pepto level (especially if your boyfriend is a frat boy who drinks lots of beer) Oh I also have a bottle of tums in there. My Dad's side of the family is big on the tums, we all get heartburn. Its always a good thing to have around. 

4. Antibiotic ointment...aka Neosporin. A must have for cuts. There are only a couple small packs in the first aid kit I bought, so a tube addition is necessary for the purpose I have for it. This also goes back to the bagel/finger problem. Cuts on the tips of fingers are really easy to get infected and they don't like to stay closed very long and heal right, so the neosporin helps its extra long recovery time.

5. Elastic bandage. You never know when you are going to hurt an ankle or some drunk girl is going to trip on your floor. Be prepared if you are hosting a par-tay! It also sticks to itself so its good for random purposes in weird situations.  Take advantage of this stickiness.

6. A big ole bottle of ibuprofen. Why get Advil when the Wal Mart ibuprofen is the exact same thing for cheaper? Advil is the pain reliever of my choice, my must have. Particularly good for headaches and menstrual cramps, its also the ideal for swelling. So when that drunk girl sprains her ankle, she can pop a few advil to keep the swelling down. Oh also a must have for toothaches! This is why ibuprofen is my favorite, it works best for me for just about any hurt.

7. A cute bag to put it in!! Preferably clear so you can see what you've got without digging around in there. I bought a set at WalMart for cheap. Using the big one for first aid, and smaller ones for make-up and hair stuff, as well as travel.

This is obviously fit for my tastes and needs in terms of medical care. Take some time to think about what you might need to add. Be smart about the drugs you use because they have different purposes, and pros and cons.  

Man I'm a nerd!! All this health care wonder I want to go into Public Health!!                

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Persia aka the Islamic Republic of Iran

A couple of weeks ago the main focus of Newsweek was Iran. The various articles were about a number of things; nuclear power and what it means to Iranians, the numbered days of President Ahmadinejad (The elections are being held on friday), the balance of power with the president and supreme leader, Obama's attitude toward the Iranian people, Rahm Emanuel's hopeful connections to the mideast, and simple photographs of what Iranians look like, who they really are. 

Reading these articles was fascinating. It frustrates me that I know so little about so many of the mideast nations. I think the fascination started early on when I read Kite Runner. Iran as an Islamic nation has a rich history of religion and culture mixed with power and terror all at once. Its a beautiful land that can at times look terribly dark to the West. I think this only aides in my fascination. Its a beautiful exotic country that is completely different from anything in the West. 

Although I don't really know much about Iran as a whole, this election and these times are fascinating to me. The biggest challenger to President Ahmadinejad is Mir Hossein Mousavi. A reformist who was a political leader in the 80s after the fall of the Shah. He left the scene in 1989 and abstract painter. (lol)He's been out of the political spotlight for 20 years. Well when these elections came around Khatami, another reformist candidate, urged Mousavi to run, but he refused time and again. Instead Mousavi threw his support behind Khatami, even campaigning with him. Then something made Mousavi change his mind and he joined the race a little late. 

Now Mousavi has more support than his friend and is on his path to replace the president. Why? Well.... Ahmadinejad made a lot of promises for social rights, especially to women. He failed to live up to this, even sending out morality police to force women to wear headscarves that completely cover their hair.  He also promised to fix the economy and instead kept flirting with western media, taunting the US. Needless to say, the Iranian people are pissed. They aren't preoccupied with western relations, they want someone to fix their country, to focus on them, and to leave social norms like head scarves out of government. Its almost pointless that Ahmadinejad even taunts the US because the Supreme Leader is the one who controls foreign relations, including the decision to go to war whether it be nuclear or not. His flirtations with the West merely gives off an inaccurate impression of Iranians. Yes, the have nuclear power, so do we, so do numerous other countries. At this point, the people no longer see him as their leader.

Mousavi is a reformist. He has plans to do those things that Ahmadinejad promised. He has a large amount of support from the young people (a staggering majority of the population in Iran) and women. Women who are very unpleased with the former president. Mousavi is adamant about bringing more women into the government, even his cabinet. The young people and women are eating it up. So Mousavi is doing much better than Ahmadinejad. Some say he has 50-80% of the populations approval. We shall see on friday.

There is better information in these articles, I thought they were wonderful, so take a little read.

About the Iranian people

Photos of Iranian people

About the upcoming election

About their nuclear power

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Love and Marriage

This weekend Matt and I went to a wedding. Actually its the first wedding we've gone to as a couple. (big damn deal) Anyway...he was the best man so he was a little busy. We had a really good time, although the day was exhaustingly long, especially for him. Irish Catholic weddings are full of religious and cultural traditions that make me miss church. I miss religion as a whole, and I remember it every time I'm at a religious ceremony. Problem is I'm just not devoted to it. I'm not yet willing to do the work it takes. Whatever. Anyway, it was nice to see those traditions. And Irish Catholics certainly know how to throw a good party. Cajun food + lots of booze + 40 year old women out on the dance floor = an entertaining and delicious evening. What more does a wedding need besides delicious food, some beer, and a dance floor? Oh maybe a cake too. It was very relaxed and enjoyable. Surprisingly Matt and I were only asked once if we were married. I thought it would be more with all the socializing outside of the fraternity. I guess its a good thing. 
I like weddings. I like watching people on that day, not just the bride and groom, but their friends, their parents, their families. I want to get married, but furthermore I want to have a wedding because I want to spend that day with my friends doing the things married people do. I want my closest friends to be at the front with me watching me get married. I want to take pictures with the people closest to me. I want it to be fun. Most of all I just want to do these things with people I care about. I want to share in the experience with my friends and family. I think weddings are self centered but not in a bad way. Its a celebration of your relationship. Just like your birthday, people are there to join you in celebrating something. Although I think your wedding is more important than a birthday, a wedding anniversary is not as important to everyone else as your birthday is. Back to the point. I definitely want to have a wedding. At some point, not in the near future. I always told myself that I wouldn't get married before I graduate with my bachelors. I had to wait until at least grad school. Well, even waiting until after I have my bachelors seems too soon. 

In completely UNRELATED news....
Its been one year. One full official year. Its not to the day or anything, our anniversary is a mild controversy in relationship etiquette. When does it count anyway? I claim the month of june. The day doesn't really matter does it? I don't know the date anyway, we kind of slid into it so I only remember the month.

Anyway.. we've made it a year. Without a break up or break down, at least not the way it was during the first year. lol. Its kind of amazing the places you never thought you would be. That moment when you realize thats where you are, its almost scary. Its never as easy as you think but somehow, it's a richer, fuller experience than you'd ever anticipate.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

It starts sometime around midnight

I know that the Airborne Toxic Event is getting a lot of attention and hype, but it is well worth it. They are a solid band. Strangely the front man is a former music critic turned author turned lyricist. Result? The Airborne Toxic Event.

Here is an interview on NPR's World Cafe. They perform three songs that really show their diversity. Their sudden rise is well deserved.

His voice can be soft or strong. Sometime around midnight is a strong ballad that feels emotional yet edgy.
The other two are softer, but all of them have intense lyrics that wring my heart immediately.

Enjoy =)

Monday, May 18, 2009

The Minimum Heroic

So I realized today just how momentous this summer will be.
I've had an incredibly hard year. Between school, work, and SHAPE-Its been a little busy. Point is I realized today that it is SUMMER!! I am really excited. I already feel refreshed. Well today was long, but when I went into work this morning at 11 I felt good (aside from the hangover that was totally worth it) I realized today just how incredible 2009 has and will be. 

Kelly graduated with her bachelors degree. She has a full time job already and loves it.

Katie graduated from Vet school and has one job offer and another potential one. 

My Dad turned 50 in March and just put a bid down on a house in Pittsburg. Dad and Loren are very excited to move down there, and the house has a lot of character.

My Mom is turning 50 in June.
AND I TURN 21 IN JULY (July 25th just so you know)

On top of that in two weeks I am moving into my first apartment! I've always lived with my family or in the dorms. But now I'm getting my own little one bedroom. I am very excited about this because I can't wait to make it my space. I think this adds a lot of responsibility but also adds a lot of benefits. I am excited to get comfy in my new space.

On top of that I'm getting more responsibilities at my job which is both challenging and rewarding. I guess I just know right now that this summer is going to involve a large amount of personal growth. I absolutely look forward to it. I hope that I step up to the demands that are awaiting me. I am a little nervous, but I think looking at my life with bold optimism is the best way to reach my goals. 

I think it has been so long since I have been able to truly relax for multiple days that I don't really know what to do. But I have things to keep me busy in the mean time. I have a lot of laundry to get done and all of my things to organize before I move. I also hope to work a lot over the summer so I don't have such a hard time with the financial aspects of life.

I am so incredibly grateful for SUMMER!!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Take Me Home

So I have known for some time now that I enjoy writing. Sometimes I just get these urges to write things, to share the thoughts that are swirling around in my head. Yet most outlets for this such as facebook or myspace don't give me the right tool. I feel so exposed. All of my friends are told that I have written something and are encouraged to read it. I'm honestly afraid of the judgement that may come. I'm afraid they may think its silly of my to write. Yet I continue to feel the need to write. Something about expressing myself is so crucial to my nature. I need to do it and most times it helps me gain understanding into my own thoughts. The fact that I have to write my thoughts in a way that makes sense to others helps me process and analyze them. I mostly write for myself, but I do know that some people enjoy reading what I write.

So, this begins my relationship with blogging. Real blogging. Not myspace blogs or facebook notes.  A real blog. 

I hope you all enjoy it.