Thursday, September 17, 2009

Dreams of Old

I had this dream more than two and half years ago. I had written it down after waking up and I just reread the description of it. Its still quite vivid in my memory. Its really strange and I feel like it has so much meaning for life, I just don't know what it means exactly.

I'm in a group of people who were all close to me. We all know that we are supposed to die. I had some idea that God was asking us to do this for a purpose, and there was probably reincarnation involved. It was absolutely clear that it was for the greater good.

One by one people start dying but not in regular ways. As more people died, I noticed that shortly before their death, we could see how they were going to die. There was one instance where I needed to drive Carl Carney's truck. But the seats and steering wheel were in the bed of the truck. A tiger came leaping over the front towards us and I stretched out my arm and punched it square in the forehead. It fell back.

Carl, who was in the backseat explained that the other person in the back seat (whoever it was)had to face the tiger, it was how they were supposed to die.I understood, because I thought they were supposed to face a white siberian tiger
As we drive on, a white siberian tiger jumps up and I have a hard time letting it go by me to kill the person in the backseat.

Then I go somewhere to see Rachel DeMoss (like an eight year old version of her) I cared very much about her and it was very sobering to see her for the last time. I was trying to figure out how I was going to die. I saw that I had to go down a slide, but I didn't understand.

I turned to someone, possibly a woman, and she said I had to go down the slide through the barrier and there would be railroad tracks on the other side. Once I understood what I was supposed to do, I prepared myself to die.

I started down the slide, but I don't remember going through any barrier or seeing any railroad tracks. Next thing I know, I am sitting at a high top table with my father and brother (?) and God. We were just casually talking. I was very at peace while talking to God.


I can place some things, but in a meaningless way. Like when I was at the hightop tables, it looked like I was in an applebees. And going down the slide with railroad tracks reminds me of Fire in the Hole, some amusement ride at Silver Dollar City that I was scared of as a kid. You literally go down a track into a pit. But the tiger? The woman? A brother? God?

Sunday, September 13, 2009


Yesterday at work was craaazy. It was the first MU home game, so of course everyone has to get their bagel on. Well I came home and did some homework (and pre-gaming) and I realized I really want to watch the game somewhere.
Wait...what? I want to watch football?? huh? Not only did I watch the entire game, but I was at a SPORTS bar (did you know people cheer there?) it was really fun actually. I also kind of tail gated before the game! What the heck? Since when did I care about football?
Well, since I turned 21 probably.

But then today I have been doing homework and I turned on the tv, and was kind of disappointed because there was an NFL game about to come on (not the summer series Merlin that has been on. yes:nerd) Then I ended up watching the entire thing. I'm sad the Bears didn't pull through, but it was an interesting game to watch while doing homework.

TWO football games in ONE weekend? I also said I actually want to GO to a game. There is seriously something wrong with me, do I have swine flu?

In other news, Kanye West is an ass hole. Taylor Swift was broken after that, and its so sad. I hope she dismisses his opinion because he is just a jerk. Beyonce did the right thing, and she is obviously much more classy than Kanye. Douche.
If you don't know what happened, watch the video